About Me

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I am 22 years old and having recently graduated from the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts I have decided to embark on the Workbased Learning Course at Middlesex University. I have been interested in performing since a very early age, participating in ballet lessons from the age of 5. As I got older my passion only grew stronger and at the age of 19 after completing 4 A-Levels i decieded to study performing arts full time and have never looked back. Spotlight Link: http://www.spotlight.com/interactive/cv/063134220241 Skills include: · Advanced 2 modern ISTD · Advanced 1 Tap ISTD · Intermediate Ballet IDTA · Gold Jazz ISTD · Voice – Mezzo Soprano, Strong Belt · Accents – RP, Cockney, Standard American · Foundation Certificate in Stage Fighting · Competent Horse Rider · Grade 4 Violin ABRSM · Grade 4 Piano ABRSM · Full Driving Licence

Sunday 2 January 2011

Task 2b - Reflective Writing:

On Thursday 2nd of December I went to watch my friend perform at a stand up comedy show at
Leicester Square Theatre.

Initial Reflection: At first I was apprehensive I have never been to a live comedy show before, but from watching shows on the television I am aware that if the audience don’t take to you the whole experience can be a nightmare. I was nervous for my friend as it was a very small venue with no stage or lighting to hide you from the audience you were literally face to face with your judges! Two of my friends performed that night along with one of my old teachers and although they were all excellent there were a few awkward hesitations and moments of uncertainty that I don’t know how well I would have handled had it been me up there instead.. I was there to support my friends and was therefore open minded, but it had been a long day and I had travelled two hours to see the show, I also knew I had to get up at 6AM the next day to go to work so I must admit I was critical of other acts and resented having to sit through the whole show as my friend was almost one of the last acts on.

  • Stressful
  • Tired
  • Anxious
  • Excited
  • Happy
  • Reminiscent
  • Enthusiastic
  • Ambitious
  • Proud
  • Nervous
  • Protective
I felt happy to see old friends and proud to see them perform. But the stresses of the days work I had done before hand took away from the experience. I was tired so not fully able to enjoy the show in the light hearted way it was meant to be seen. Yet still I was ambitious to get up there and do something like that myself one day.
I was nervous as to how the rest of the audience would respond to them and therefore protective over them against any criticisms that may come their way.
On this occasion I wasn’t performing and it felt weird. Whenever I go to see a show I always wish I could be up there with them performing. It has made me think a lot about how much I miss college and having the opportunity to act sing and dance everyday. I know now that I need to find a regular outlet for my creativity even in between performing jobs.

Evaluation: I learnt a lot from the experience, it really is true that when you are performing confidence is key. When people go to see a show they don’t want to feel nervous that you might not hit the ‘money’ note or that you might forget the next line. This makes the audience feel uncomfortable and they are not able to relax. If you have paid to see a performance of any kind you want to be able to sit back and view with ease, not be sat on the edge of your seat hoping they don’t make a mistake. This is where confidence comes in, even if you know exactly what you are doing and are capable of achieving if you don’t believe in yourself how can you ever expect anyone else to.
At one point one of the artists performing forget his lines. Although this could have been a disaster he managed to cover it up well thinking on is feet to correct it showing ‘Reflection in Action’. I think this is an essential skill for any performer as there is no time to revisit the problem, it has to be fixed there and then else it could cost you your job.

What If? What could have happened … now there is a question! Absolutely anything could have happened. I would have hated it if one of my friends had forgotten their lines or felt so uncomfortable that they couldn’t complete there set. I know the experience wouldn’t have been happening to me but when it is someone you are close to it can be just as bad!
In a dream world I would have had something up my sleeve that I could have performed and would have had the courage to throw myself into that situation without any preparation and would have been a success!

Another View: I have chosen to view the day through the eyes of the Director of the show…
Today was a great success, at first I was nervous as it is always hard to know how new acts will go down with the audience but everyone was well received. This isn’t the first comedy night I have bought to this theatre but each time I use different acts and it is sometimes there first time at performing a stand-up show in front of a paying audience. Although I chose acts that I have every believe in it is still not certain that they wont freeze when put on the spot, so I am never able to fully relax when watching the show. I think a key part of performance is being able to think on your feet. It is inevitable that things will go wrong and I cant help them to put it right. I have to put all my faith in the acts that should the situation arise they will be able to correct themselves without the audience realising.

Themes: I valued the opportunity to be there to support my friends, to watch them grow as performers. After training together daily for three years you form a very close bond and it is important to continue that into your professional career. There will be many people out there just waiting to bring you down so having your friends there to pick you back up is of utmost importance!
I think if I was to do anything differently next time as a spectator it would simply to be more enthusiastic. As I was tired and itching to get to bed I didn’t feel I was as supportive in the audience participation as I could have been which may have had a negative effect on the performer themselves. It may have come across as I wasn’t enjoying the show when really I was just tired.
Over the rest of December I am working long shifts and commuting in and out of London leaving no time to socialise at all. This evening has been an opportunity to enjoy myself in the middle of a busy working month and as it is so rare at the moment I really appreciate it. Although it has been a stressful part of my week having to get into London and back out in a short space of time, I think I will look back at it as a highlight of the month that otherwise would be solely dedicated to work.
It has made me question why I have not yet been able to get a job performing and whether I am going about the situation in the correct manor. After graduation in July with a lot of debt I decided to go back to an office job during the day and waitressing in the evening as I knew it was guaranteed income and that is what I needed to pay off my debts. Although I am working it is not in a job I like and I know that in January I will be able to pursue my performing but in the meantime I feel like I’m missing out. I have a good group of friends around who are supporting me and getting to see them fulfil their dreams makes me all the more determined to fulfil mine!

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